The Christian Taekwondo Fellowship

“Power Through Spiritual and Physical Discipline”


    Statement of Faith

    THE HOLY SCRIPTURES: We believe the Bible consists of sixty-six books, beginning at Genesis and ending in Revelation, and is the final and inerrant revelation of the mind of God to man; that the Bible, was given by inspiration of God, and is the product of Spirit controlled men, who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. We further hold that the Bible has been preserved and superintended by the sovereign hand of God since its authorship, so that we have the Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:19-21; Psalm 119:4; Prov. 30:5; Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19)

    THE TRUE GOD: We believe that there is one living and true God, the Creator, Sustainer, and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth; He is infinite in His holiness, worthy of all honor, confidence and love; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Ex. 20:2,3; I Cor. 8:6; Matt. 28:19-20; Rev. 4:11; I John 5:7; 2 Cor. 13:14)

    THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and God the Son; that He is equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit in all aspects of His character, attributes, essence, and being; that He is fully God and eternal in nature with God the Father; that He has no beginning nor end of days, and that He is the One and only Savior of the world. (John 1:1,14; 5:17-18; 8:58; 10:33-34; Tit. 2:13; Matt. 1:23; Isaiah 7:14)

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is God is equal in His essence and attributes with God the Father and God the Son; that He is eternal in His nature and qualities; He is the agent in the new birth; He seals, endues with power, guides, teaches, convicts, and sanctifies the believer forever. (John 14:16,26; 16:8-11; 3:5-6; 1:33; Matt. 28:19; Heb. 9:14; Luke 1:35; 24:49; Rom. 8:14; 8:16; 8:26-27; Acts 5:30-32; 11:16; Gen. 1:1-3; Eph. 1:13-14; I Cor. 13:8-10; Heb. 2:4).

    THE CREATION: We believe that God created the world by His spoken Word in six literal twenty-four hour days; that man was created from the dust of the earth, and that God breathed into Adam (the first man on earth) the breath of life; that Eve (the first woman) was created from Adam's rib, and that Adam and Eve were the first parents; that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve (Gen. 1-2; Heb. 11:3; Col. 1:16-18).

    THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit of God in a miraculous manner; that Mary was a virgin at the time of the conception of Jesus; that the miraculous manner of this conception and birth resulted in the unique sinless nature of Christ, the Son of God. (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:35; Jn. 1:4).

    THE ATONEMENT FOR SIN: We believe that Christ, as God, personally and freely shed His blood as the Lamb of God to make a one time, perfect and vicarious payment for the sin of the whole world; that Christ substituted Himself as a sacrifice in the sinner's place and that all the sin and iniquity of mankind was laid upon Him. (Phil 2:5-8; John 1:29,36; 3:16; Isa. 53:5,6; I John 2:2; Heb. 2:14; 10:10-14; 9:15,22; I Peter 1:18-20; Rom. 3:23-25).

    THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST: We believe that the Lord Jesus rose bodily from the dead out of the tomb on the third day after His death at Calvary; that He then bodily ascended into Heaven as our perfect and reliable High Priest; that He is seated at the right hand of the Father ever living to make intercession for us. He is our Advocate for eternity and intercedes for the Believer for forever. (Jn. 20:17-28; I Cor. 15:1-17; Matt. 28:6).

    GRACE IN THE NEW BIRTH: We believe that salvation is a free gift from God, and that it is wholly of the grace of God; that a sinner must be "born again" by the Spirit of God to inherit eternal life. We further believe that the "new birth" is not a process, but instantaneous and permanent; that in the new birth the sinner, who was dead in trespasses and sin, is made alive by the gracious work of God on his behalf; that the new birth makes the believer a new creation in Christ Jesus, allowing the sinner to be made a partaker of Christ's divine nature; that the sinner is born again only after personally believing in the Gospel (death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ) (Eph. 2:1-4, 8-9; John 3:3-8; 2 Cor. 5:17; I Pet. 1:23-25; I Cor. 15:1-4).

  • Mid-California Taekwondo was initially part of the Choong-Sil Taekwondo Federation from 1992 to 2006, under the leadership of Grand Master Robert Hardin.

    In 1997 the office of Mid-California Taekwondo was moved to Modesto, California.

    In 1999 Ms. Schwartz began another MCTKD school in Visalia, California.

    In August 2003, Ms. Marian Schwartz moved to Modesto to work full time with Dr. McCain. In August 2003 Mid-California Tae Kwon Do moved into its new location in Modesto. The 3200 square foot school has been a place of blessing. The students now enjoy a new facility and modern workout area.

    In February 2006 the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship was formed by Dr. McCain. The new martial arts association has begun a new era for the Mid-California Taekwondo schools of California. There is great hope that other Christian Taekwondo school owners will join the organization to promote biblical principles of life, and the power of meekness in the life of true warriors.

    In June 2006 Dr. McCain achieved the rank of 6th Degree Black rank - Master Brad Whitlow, 8th Degree Black Belt, Officiated.

    In August 2006 Dr. McCain formed the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship, and brought all MCTKD schools under that new organizational structure.

    In August 2009 Mr. Johnny Varela, 3rd Degree Black Belt, assumed the ownership of the Woodlake MCTKD school. In 2012 Mr. Varela was promoted to 4th Degree Black Belt in the CTF and WTA.

    In June 2011 Dr. McCain was promoted to 7th Degree Black by the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship

    In June 2011 Ms. Schwartz passed her test for 6th Degree Black by the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship and World Taekwondo Alliance, officiated by Dr. McCain and Master Brad Whitlow

    In June 2012 Dr. McCain was promoted to 7th Degree Black Belt by the World Taekwondo Alliance and the Choong Sil Taekwondo Federation.

    In January 2016, Dr. McCain turned Mid-California Taekwondo to Chris and Sara Pezzoni (new owners) but will continue as the director of the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship. Sara Pezzoni was promoted to 2nd Degree Black Belt in June 2017 by both the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship as well as the Choong-Sil Taekowndo Federation.

    Mrs. Pezzoni was promoted to 3rd Degree Black Belt in June 2019 by both the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship as well as the Choong-Sil Taekwondo Federation.

  • The Christian Taekwondo Fellowship Philosophy

    The purpose of Christian Taekwondo Fellowship is to teach the art of Taekwondo in such a manner as to honor God. In honoring God with our Taekwondo, we teach powerful truths and life skills which will benefit our lives, but more importantly, the lives of others. Teaching the art of Taekwondo to eager students develops character in their lives, helps them acquire a biblical sense of self-worth and strengthens them spiritually, mentally and physically.

    It is the goal to guide the student through three levels of spiritual and character and physical growth:

    1. Faith - Spiritual

    2. Honor – Mental

    3. Integrity - Physical

    The Bible clearly teaches that man is three-part person: he is spirit (spiritual aspect), soul (mental aspect), and body (physical aspect). I Thessalonians 5:23 says, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    The need of any person is met in the fulfillment of these three areas of their lives. When all three areas of need are met, the person is fulfilled. This is true for the student of Taekwondo. The beginning of any personal development is the spiritual aspect of life. Faith in the Lord is the beginning of that spiritual journey of personal growth. The Scripture says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Everything we hope for in this present life and everything we look for in eternity is found by faith in Christ.

    The pattern Young Juk, (180 movements in the diagram of the Cross † ) is comprised of three separate sections and is the basis for the philosophy of the Christian Taekwondo Fellowship, and exemplifies the purpose statement for the program.

    It is only natural that the first area of faith (Spiritual) would be the beginning point for our philosophical pattern. The first personal growth pattern is Young Juk Chool Bal, or “Spiritual Beginning.” This pattern is comprised of sixty movements symbolizing the faith it takes to live our lives in an absolute trust in God. The “Spiritual Beginning” pattern consists of three sections of twenty movements each. The first twenty movements are learned at white belt, the second set of twenty movements are learned at yellow belt, and the third set of twenty movements are learned at green belt.

    The second personal growth pattern stems from the first pattern. With faith as the cornerstone of our spiritual lives, the second is for our minds to be continuously transformed by the teaching of the Word of God. As our minds are being transformed, we are better able to live a life of honor before God. The first pattern pictures an initial faith, while the second pattern pictures an ongoing spiritual growth and the power and grace to live our lives honorably before God. The second pattern is Young Juk Sung Jang or “Spiritual Growth.” It is also comprised of sixty movements symbolizing our spiritual growth from day to day. The pattern is divided into three sections of twenty movements each. The first twenty movements are learned at blue belt, the second set of twenty movements is learned at red belt and the third set of twenty movements is learned at recommended black belt. Proverbs 15:33 says, “The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.”

    The third personal growth pattern stems from the first two patterns. This pattern is comprised of sixty movements symbolizing the necessity to live our lives with integrity and power. The power is pictured in the pattern Young Juk Gyul Gwa, or “Spiritual Result.” This pattern is learned in its entirety at First Degree Black Belt. Psalm 26:1 says, “Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide.”

    The three patterns together total 180 movements, symbolizing the complete turn around of our lives due to our spiritual rebirth, our continued growth and maturity in the ways of the Lord, and the beginning of our new life in Heaven.

  • Written Description

    Jumong Pattern: (40 movements) Jumong founded the Kogoryo Dynasty in 37 B.C. by defeating the Han Dynasty of China. Jumong united all the Korean tribes into one unified nation. He was known for his mastery of the bow and sword, and was a highly regarded military commander and tactician. His archery skills are legendary. The 40 movements of this pattern refer to the age of his death, from accumulated battle wounds. The pattern diagram symbolizes his great courage and fortitude.

    Stand feet together, bow, and to the parallel ready stance.

    1. Step back with the right foot to a left middle “L” stance and simulate holding a bow with the left hand, while pulling the right hand back to a loaded arrow position.

    2. Slide the left foot forward and then quickly step with the right foot forward to a right front stance and execute a side spear thrust strike, with “speed of arrow” acceleration, breathing loudly to simulate the sound of an arrow.

    3. Step back with the right foot to a left middle “L” and rapidly pull the right hand back (simulating the removal of the arrow). Simultaneously perform a left forearm strike, keeping the right hand held high.

    4. Simulate the pulling of a sword from the scabbard with the left hand, extending the left hand to a full drawn sword position (a left side hammer strike). The right fist is positioned at the right hip.

    5. Step back with the left foot to a right middle “L” stance, and perform a left circular single knuckle upper cut, with the palm faced in and the right hand pulled to the waist.

    6. Step back with the right foot to a left middle “L” stance and perform a 45 degree angled left hammer strike into the right palm.

    7-8. Perform a 360 degree right jump spin heel kick, landing in a left back stance, double guarding blocks.

    9-10. Execute a left pumping front kick, double knife hand guarding blocks.

    11-12. Perform a left jump back spin side kick, sliding back to a right middle “L” stance (facing forward) double knife hand block with palms forward.

    13. Perform a right inward block with the inverted knife hand.

    14. Reverse spin in a clockwise direction to a right front stance and execute a right scooping block with the right ridge hand.

    15-16. Perform a rear leg front kick, landing in a left middle “L” stance, and execute a left upset punch to the solar plexis.

    17-19. From a left middle “L” stance perform a stationary left 45 degree knife hand chop; then perform a right 45 degree knife hand chop in a left sprinter’s stance, and then execute a left dropping elbow strike in a middle “L” stance.

    20-24. Perform a left lead leg axe kick, and quadruple downward punch in a rapid manner, in a left sprinter’s stance.

    25. Pull up the left leg and slide/step back to a left middle “L” stance, double knife hand guarding blocks.

    26. Perform a drop sweep kick with the right spin heel.

    27-28. Drop down on your left side and simulate hooking an opponent’s ankle and execute a right knee level side kick.

    29-30. Swing the right and left legs in a clockwise direction to return your body to an upright position. Slide back to a right cat stance, double knife hand blocks.

    31-32. Perform a right lead leg pumping front kick and slide step forward to a right back stance and execute a right lead hand jab at face level.

    33. Perform a right low block and left outer forearm block combination, with the left hand in a knife hand position.

    34. Jump up to avoid a leg sweep, landing further to the right in a right back stance, double guarding blocks.

    35. Reach forward with the open left hand to simulate blocking an opponent’s lead hand down, and execute a right circular back fist to the head.

    36-37. Perform a left rear hand inverted spear thrust at throat level. Raise the right hand to an open handed high block.

    38-39. Perform a left knee strike, while simulating pulling down the opponent’s head. Slide step down to a left middle “L” stance with open hands facing forward, in double guarding blocks.

    40. Swing and jump clockwise 180 degrees (as if retreating). Execute a mid-air left spear thrust strike, and then land in a right front stance.

    *Return the left foot to the ready parallel stance.

Taekwondo Demonstrations and Photos: Public schools and Churches and Christian Schools